The Importance of Early Childhood Education in St. Albert

Early Childhood Education in St. Albert

Did you know?

  • Most brain cells are developed in a child from birth to age 5, more than at any other time in life.
  • Early brain development significantly impacts child development and his ability to succeed in life.
  • 90% of brain growth happens before they go to the kindergarten.

Hence, the early years of a child’s life are critical for development as their brains form at an incredible pace. Early Childhood Education (ECE) is crucial for laying the foundation of a child’s development, from cognitive skills to emotional well-being.

Let’s dig deeper to understand how much importance early childhood education holds in shaping a healthy, happy and responsible individual –

Benefits of Early Childhood Education in St. Albert

By choosing high-quality early childhood learning programs from the best child care in St. Albert, you can ensure the following benefits for your child –

  • Early cognitive development: Children get opportunities to solve problems, explore concepts, and indulge in critical thinking abilities by participating in play-based learning activities.
  • Language development:The more your child interacts with outside people like friends, teachers and caregivers, the more he can strengthen their vocabulary. They can develop their communication and language skills and rich vocabulary through social interactions, songs, and stories.
  • Physical development: Participation in a wide range of playing activities promotes gross and fine motor skill development in children.
  • Social and emotional learning: A good child care center designs its early childhood education to foster positive social interactions, emotional well-being, and self-confidence for all children.

Early Childhood Education – Farsighted Choice

We can’t ignore the fact that we live in a competitive age that demands constant rise. So, children who participate in the specialized child care program in the daycare get some advantages in the future –

  • Higher advantages in school:When these children enter kindergarten, they are more likely to develop a strong foundation in language, interactions and social skills.
  • More preparedness for lifelong learning:Once you send your child to the best child care in St. Albert like Little NEMO’S Daycare and Out of School Care Centre Inc., you’ll have the peace of mind that they will develop a love of learning which will keep them ahead throughout their academic journey.
  • Better health:Which parent doesn’t want their children to be healthy and strong? Early childhood education helps children learn healthy habits and contributes to their overall well-being.
  • Stronger bonding: By sending your child to childcare at an early age, you give them the opportunity to be comfortable and trust people around them. Thus, they develop a partnership with family and teachers that echoes positivity throughout their lives.

Child Care: Making the Right Choice

There are numerous options for early childhood education, including daycare, playgroups, and family resource centers. You should make a wise decision by finding the right fit for your child’s needs and your family’s circumstances.

For all-inclusive child development, Little NEMO’s Daycare and Out of School Care Centre Inc. provides a nurturing program on early childcare education. We ensure a child’s overall development by building the foundation for their future learning.

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