Little NEMO’SDaycare Center In Edmonton, Alberta

Daycare Dilemma: Your Guide to Finding the Best Daycare Center in Edmonton

Daycare Dilemma: Your Guide to Finding the Best Daycare Center in Edmonton

The BEST food, the BEST toy, the BEST care and the BEST education – as a parent, you always want to give the best for your child. So when it comes to providing the best education for your child, you must be concerned about choosing the BEST DAYCARE center in Edmonton. After all, it’s the first time your child will step outside of the comfort of your home.

When the options are huge and endless questions race through your mind, it’s hard to make an informed decision.

To ease your dilemma, we put together a checklist on how to choose the best daycare center that fits your child’s needs with the right approach.

Convenient Location

A daycare centre close to your home or workplace can be your best choice. While some mothers need to breastfeed their children, some working mothers look for daycare and out-of-school care close to their workplace so that they can resume their jobs.

Licensing and Accreditation

In the next step in your search for a childcare facility is to verify that it is licensed and accredited. Centers providing childcare services in Edmonton and other places in Alberta are regulated by the provincial licensing standards along with basic licensure. Such licensing and accreditations reflect a commitment to maintain higher quality childcare standards.

While taking a tour of a daycare center in Edmonton, be sure to ask about the licensing information.

Optimum Teacher-Child Ratio

A lower teacher-to-child ratio and smaller group size often indicate more individualized care and attention for children. Each Canadian state follows a specific staff-to-child ratio and group size requirements. Below is the recommended staff-child ratio for licensed childcare programs

Child’s Age: Staff-to-Child Ratio: Maximum Group Size:

For Center-based Daycare Program –

Infants below 12 months 1:3 6

Infants of 12 to 19 months 1:4 8

19 months to below 3 years of

age 1:6 12

3 years to below 4 years of age 1:8 16

4 years and above 1:10 20

For Out-of-school Care Programs –

Kindergarten and school-aged

children 1:15 30

Check with your chosen daycare center if they follow this recommended staff-student ratio.

Curriculum and Activities

The best daycare center in Edmonton should offer an age-appropriate, well-structured curriculum and activity program that helps your child’s all-around development.

While visiting the daycare center, ask their staff about the activities, lessons and programs they offer throughout the year.

A well-thought-out curriculum and program should be a combination of both play-based learning and educational activities to ensure the development of your child’s motor skills and problem-solving abilities.

Mandatory Childcare Facilities

No matter whether you are looking for a large or mid-sized daycare center, make sure that the establishment offers some basic childcare facilities, such as –

  • ü Adult supervision all the time
  • ü Appointed trained staff and childcare professionals
  • ü Medical facilities supervised by trained staff
  • ü Adequate toys, books, creative activities and playthings
  • ü After-school care (especially for working parents)
  • ü Open spaces and playgrounds for both indoor and outdoor activities
  • ü Clean, organized beds and furnishings

ü Power backup As a reputable and established daycare and out-of-school care centre in Edmonton, LITTLE NEMO’s Daycare always meets all the above facilities to offer optimal childcare services.

Hygiene and Safety Practices

A clean and well-maintained daycare indicates that your child won’t be affected by any disease. While looking for the best daycare center in Edmonton, you should find a spacious and clean facility that follows strict hygienic measures, proper sanitation and emergency safety plans.

Since you cannot be with your child in the daycare facility, safety should be the top priority for that center.

Positive References and Reputation

Above all, ask for daycare recommendations from your family, friends, colleagues and your social circles. Do your research and browse through classified listings and reviews to choose a daycare with a good reputation.

Last but not least – Trust Your Gut Feeling!

As a parent, you should believe in your instinct. During your visit to the daycare center, your first impression is important. Do you find the center welcoming? Does your child seem happy inside the facility? Does your child feel comfortable in the company of the daycare staff?

If you or your child are not comfortable with any issue, the center may not be the right fit for you both. On the other hand, a good daycare center like LITTLE NEMO’s Daycare should give you a warm, inviting and positive instinct on your first visit.

Make sure to invest your time and check each of the points above to choose the best daycare center in Edmonton.

Good luck!